Farm Friend Pen Pal
Pen pals are a great way to make a new friend, but what if you had a Farm Friend Pen Pal? The animals at Epic Outreach LOVE to get mail, and they may even write you back. Writing is great way to build reading and writing skills, so if you’re a teacher or parent looking for a creative way to engage your students, have them write to their favorite animal friend. Pick a favorite animal below, write the animal a letter or draw them a picture, and send it along to the address below.
The farm will read the animals your letter, and send a sweet reply back, so be sure to include a return address! This is a fun activity for anyone at any age. Be creative and most of all have fun! The animals can’t wait to hear from you!

Choose your Pen Pal:

Kody is a trickster and will do anything for a treat. His favorite treat is carrots!

Buck is the most gentle giant horse at the sanctuary. He is 21-years old and loves grooming and long walks.

Oliver is the sweet resident pig who loves a good belly rub and enjoys a salad daily.

ROO is the rooster who resides on the farm with his flock of hens. They love fruits and veggies like watermelon and pumpkin rinds.

Tator is the resident farm dog. He is a fluffy marshmallow pup who is guardian to all the farm animal friends he hangs out with in the pastures.

Winnie is a therapy dog and she loves to do tricks like spin, wave her paw, and shake. She will even roll over for the right treat!

Zimba & Zeke
Zeke is the crooked eared donkey and his friend is Zimba who has great big ears. They both are a little shy but like to cuddle once they know you.
Barn Bat Cats
Magic and Sweet Pea are 2 of the 7 barn kitties at the farm. They love to nap in hay bales and soak up the sun! Jingles is the fluffiest and youngest of the bunch, and Milo and Smokey are the newest arrivals.

Thumper Bumper is a super soft bunny that likes to be petted with long wispy hair around her face like a lion mane!

A young rescued great Pyrenees, he is full of fluffy energy and loves to play. He also takes his job of keeping the horses and other farm friends safe very seriously.

Pumpkin Patches & Candy Corn
2 sweet Pot belly Pigs who were once abandoned, but now live a posh life as pampered pasture pigs. Patches is super sweet and Candy is super sassy!

Jimmy Jam Jam
the newest guy to the farm, he is a young Yorkeshire pig, that is just a big ‘ole pink bubble butt. He acts like a puppy, loves to play, and knows his name.

A sweet teenage boy who loves to get petted, groomed, and will never kick or bite. He is a knight in shining fur and everyone loves him!

Or Perdy for short, she is the black and white beauty who is really soft and sweet. She loves to roll over for a belly rub.

Opie is a young pony who loves to play. He is always pulling on clothes or trying to get in your pocket, he is full of tricks!

Duncan is a sweet boy who also likes to have his belly rubbed. He lost his ear in a tragic accident but that doesn’t stop him from seeking out treats and sharing love!
It cost on average $7.00 a day for one animal’s care for one day.
When you become a monthly donor YOU provide the animals with safety and security knowing they can live in peace, good health, and happiness. Will you become a monthly donor and support the animals so they can continue to share their love and plant seeds of kindness to create more compassion?