Wouldn’t it be lovely to have a space dedicated to animal rescue, wildlife preservation, education outreach, and community collaboration?! Well there is an amazing property that exists just beyond the fence line of the current EPIC Outreach sanctuary boundaries. That land holds a magical space with a gorgeous tree and wooden barn with ponds and fields that offer so many lifesaving opportunities for animals of all kinds. It can be all that we described in that first sentence and more!

We are writing to appeal to your generous heart to help us fund the purchase of this 64 acres of land for a rescue sanctuary and wildlife rehabilitation center. With your support, we can create a safe haven for animals in need and a natural space for people to enjoy.

Our goal is to raise $2-3 million dollars to purchase the land and establish a center that will serve as a community resource for both animals and people. The property will be used for animal rescue, wildlife rehabilitation, nature trails, and a wildlife habitat space. It will also be a place for people to relax and connect with nature.

We believe that every animal deserves a second chance at life, and our sanctuary will provide a safe and nurturing environment for animals in need like pigs, horses, dogs, donkeys, chickens, and cats. Our team of dedicated professionals will also work tirelessly to rehabilitate wild animals and release them back into the wild whenever possible. For those animals that cannot be released, we will provide them with a permanent home where they can live out their days in peace.

In addition to our animal rescue efforts, this magical center will also serve as a natural space for people to connect with nature. We will offer nature trails, educational programs, and community events that will inspire people to appreciate and protect our natural world.

Your support is critical to our success. With your help, we can make a significant impact on the lives of animals and people in our community. Your donation will not only fund the purchase of the land but also support the ongoing operations of the sanctuary and center.

We hope you will consider joining us in this important endeavor. Together, we can make a difference and create a better world for all living beings.

Thank you for your consideration. Please reach out directly to Jessie, the founder of EPIC Outreach who is leading this vision. Her contact is: 904-274-117 or email epicanimals2015@gmail.com