Giving Them Life Creates Compassion!

Your donation gives the gift of hope, love, care, and endless treats so the animals can focus on inspiring and teaching more kindness. Thank you for making a difference today!


It cost on average $7.00 a day for one animal’s care for one day.

Your monthly gift makes a daily difference! As a monthly donor YOU provide the animals with safety and security knowing they can live in peace, good health, and happiness. Will you support the animals so they can continue to share their love to create more compassion?

Care for 1 animal for 1 day.
Care for 1 animal for 3 days.
Care for 1 animal for 1 week.
Care for 1 animal for 1 month.
Yes, I’ll Be a Monthly Donor

Planned Giving for the Animals

By making a planned gift to EPIC Outreach, you can have a profound impact on the lives of all animals. Not only will you be making a difference, but you may also enjoy financial benefits such as tax savings and income for life. These gentle beings, just as sensitive and special as our beloved cats and dogs, will benefit greatly from your generosity.

Giving through your Estate

Designating EPIC Outreach as the recipient of your assets after your lifetime is a simple way to make a gift. You can choose to give all or a percentage of your assets to the organization, and it often only requires filling out a form.

Giving through Beneficiary Designation

Another option is to name EPIC Outreach as the beneficiary of your financial assets. This can include:

  • life insurance policies
  • retirement plans
  • savings bonds
  • mutual funds
  • annuity contracts
  • bank accounts
  • investment accounts

The simplicity of this type of gift lies in the fact that you don’t need to modify your will or living trust. Simply complete a beneficiary designation form with your plan administrator.

Essential information for your attorney or estate planner:

Legal Name: EPIC Outreach, Inc.
Address: PO Box 77479, Jacksonville, FL 32226
Tax ID number: 47-4972969
Tax Status: Not-for-profit 501(c) (3) corporation

Please contact Jessie at 904-274-1177 or email at to discuss your estate planning.